What An ANZAC Soldier Had With His Morning Coffee – Wild Timor Coffee

What An ANZAC Soldier Had With His Morning Coffee

Image credit: Australian War Memorial

Coffee and breakfast are synonomous; they just go together. True to Melbourne culture, Wild Timor coffee also like a good brunch.

The soldiers at Gallipoli in the First World War liked a cuppa with their rations, too. Being the time of year that it is, we thought we would reflect on what an Australian soldier on the frontlines in 1915 might have started his day with.

Well, for starters, he wouldn't have actually had coffee.

It was considered a luxury item and the budget just didn't allow for it. He probably had a weak cup of black tea instead.

 (He may not have been missing out on much by today's standards. In 1939, Ernest Singer reportedly wrote in The Australian Grocer that coffee could be prepared by "boiling it with milk and mustard; eggs shells or even dynamite.")

Typical food allocation for an Australian soldier would be "450 grams of tinned bully beef, a similar portion of dry biscuits, 113 grams of bacon and a little less cheese, and a serving of peas, beans or dried potatoes. Some tea and jam, sugar and other condiments were also included, with a little lime discretionary."1

The Australian War Memorial site has a recipe for "hard tack", a staple for ANZAC soldiers at Gallipoli. https://www.awm.gov.au/learn/schools/resources/hard-tack

Being both a veteran and Australian owned company, ANZAC Day holds special significance for Wild Timor Coffee.

We will remember our fallen heroes and cherish the legacy of peace they bought with their lives.






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