Village Origin Stories: I Love Dili – Wild Timor Coffee

Village Origin Stories: I Love Dili

Some of you may be familiar with the name Jack in relation to Wild Timor Coffee's roots. Jack befriended the Wild Timor founders during their peacekeeping days in 2012, and often brought his friends to hang out and swap stories with the soldiers. He still loves to introduce us to his friends whenever we visit the village.

Jack's friends often didn't have the best grasp on English. Jack would act as translator a lot of the time. One particular evening, the conversation topic turned to all the things they loved. Topics like coffee, motor vehicles and Marilyn Monroe were bandied around.

One of the fellows exuberantly screamed out, "I LOVE DILI" at the top of his lungs, over and over. Now he gets introduced everywhere as "IloveDili"

We still don't know his real name.

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