Meet the Team: Tom Mahon – Wild Timor Coffee

Meet the Team: Tom Mahon

Tom Wild Timor Coffee Direct Trade Fairtrade Organic

Introducing our beloved Tom Mahon.

Tom is one of the founders of Wild Timor Coffee, a soldier deployed in Timor-Leste with others who was struck by the need there and motivated to make a difference through the medium of coffee.

He is an introverted, cheerful fellow with a love of gadgets and a big heart. His passion to help those less fortunate is unequalled and a driving force of Wild Timor Coffee.

‘‘It’s a continuation of mission, a debt of honour thing,’’ he says.

Tom frequents Timor-Leste overseeing the harvest and various social projects.
He is the creative soul scheming our fundraisers and the social butterfly attending events.

He's also our residing photographer.

Thanks, Tom, for all your hard work!


  • Hi Tom
    Was great to meet you yesterday at the warehouse door and love so much of what you are doing personally and with the company
    Cant wait to take your product and message to Beechworth

  • True gentleman

    Who makes an awesome expresso martini

    Pete Willing
  • This is a great description of one of your founder Tom. I have had the pleasure of knowing since January 1987 and am very proud to call him my godson. He is held in very regard by myself and my grown family. He is a true gentleman.

    David J Dixon

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