Join the ETDA Students on a Field Trip to a Coffee Plantation! – Wild Timor Coffee

Join the ETDA Students on a Field Trip to a Coffee Plantation!

Coffee plantation organic fairtrade social enterprise


We often get asked "What's Dom up to these days?"

Dóm Fredcós is a coffee professional from Timor-Leste who came over on a Wild Timor sponsored hospitality scholarship to learn about Melbourne's coffee culture and gain expertise in the field. Dom takes aspiring students in Dili through a hospitality course at the ETDA, where they learn a variety of skills including extensive coffee training.

Dom asked if he could take his students to visit the coffee plantations where Wild Timor beans are sourced, in order to further their knowledge and expertise through more hands-on learning. We thought it was a great idea!

Wild Timor Coffee funded the field trip for six students to venture out to Belumhato. We can see from the photos that they rolled up their sleeves and got stuck in!

We're so proud of Domingos and the students at the ETDA.

Their hard work will most definitely pay off. They are fast becoming pillars in their communities.

We will continue to support the cafe, teachers and students, and look forward to reporting back on more exciting growth and development!

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